Sustainable Education Summit with Edge Foundation and Schools of Tomorrow
Summit announced for November 2022 will feature Schools of Tomorrow (SoTo) is a member-owned social enterprise open to schools seeking values-led, research-informed change. They believe that schools and communities working together can radically transform the futures of young people.
Glasgow students’ climate change satellite to be launched into space after competition win
A team of Scottish university students will see a satellite they designed sent into space after winning a £600,000 national competition. The Glasgow University students were announced as the winners of the Launch UK Nanosat Design Competition, run by the UK Space Agency and Department for Transport.
16,000 workplace opportunities secured through Young Person's Guarantee
The Scottish Government committed up to £45 million in the budget to support young people in Scotland towards employment, training and apprenticeships ...
Six Ways to Break Your Creative Blocks
Unlocking your creative potential starts with setting up your environment and cultivating the right attitude.
The Scottish employer viewpoint
The Scottish Government published the results of the 2021 Scottish Employer Perspectives Survey. Headline findings in relation to Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) include 35% of employers had recruited an employee in their first job directly from education
Record numbers of students from poorest areas apply to university
In Scotland alone, there was a record proportion of poorer students applying, with 21.3% of applications coming from disadvantaged students.
Graduates lacking vital social and practical skills because of lockdown
Lockdown meant many new graduates are missing hands-on practical experience including laboratory time, experts warn.