Welcome to Early Careers Insider – a member update for the professional early careers community from EarlyCareers.scot, Scotland’s Early Careers Marketplace.

Reform of SQA and Education Scotland
Three new agencies will be created to replace SQA and Education Scotland. The three new agencies will be responsible for developing and awarding qualifications, support for school, teachers, and the curriculum as well as Independent educational inspection.
Early Careers Adviser – April Edition
Catch up with the latest news on Early Careers campaigns and learning opportunities for young people in Scotland.

Post pandemic – How youth explore, experience and think about their future – OECD
As part of the OECD’s Career Readiness project, this report analyses 12 datasets from 10 countries to look at career guidance attitudes of 14–16-year-olds, post pandemic.

Facing the future – employment prospects for young people after Coronavirus
A new report released from The Prince’s Trust and the Learning and Work Institute warns that young people will be increasingly effected.

Adviser Updates
Ethnicity and gender still seen as major barriers to young people entering the world of work
A survey of 1,000 young people (16-21 years old) found that 45% of mixed-race, 50% of Asian and 63% of Black respondents believed ethnicity may potentially impact a job application or interview.
Scottish Government names new interim director-general for the economy
Louise Macdonald OBE, the former Chief Executive of Young Scot, has been appointed interim director-general (DG) for the economy, to lead delivery of the new National Strategy for Economic Transformation.
Latest Scottish Government Workforce Statistics
The latest quarterly Scottish Government Workforce Information statistics have been published today by Scotland’s Chief Statistician. These statistics cover the numbers of workers, staff sickness rates, and the diversity of staff up to the most recent quarter ending December 2021.
Giving Better Feedback
Receiving feedback (positive and negative) helps us feel engaged, connected, and satisfied. This must-read article with insights from 20,000 interviews and the latest resources might spark something for you.
Pre-register for the Gathering 2022!
Join in with the biggest celebration Scotland’s voluntary sector on 15 and 16 June when the Gathering returns to the SEC in Glasgow – a packed programme of over 80 workshops, seminars, and training sessions.
Abrdn announce new £7.5m Centre for Investing Innovation in Edinburgh
abrdn and the University of Edinburgh have formed an industry-academic partnership to deliver innovation in the investment sector. The partnership will establish the Centre for Investing Innovation with funding of £7.5 million over five years from abrdn, the global asset manager.